-# weather.py version 1.3, http://fungi.yuggoth.org/weather/
-# Copyright (c) 2006 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org>, all rights reserved.
-# Licensed per terms in the LICENSE file distributed with this software.
+# weather.py version 1.4, http://fungi.yuggoth.org/weather/
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org>.
+# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is
+# granted under terms provided in the LICENSE file distributed with
+# this software.
"""Contains various object definitions needed by the weather utility."""
-version = "1.3"
+version = "1.4"
class Selections:
- """An object to contain selection data."""
- def __init__(self):
- """Store the config, options and arguments."""
- self.config = get_config()
- self.options, self.arguments = get_options(self.config)
- if self.arguments:
- self.arguments = [(x.lower()) for x in self.arguments]
- else: self.arguments = [ None ]
- def get(self, option, argument=None):
- """Retrieve data from the config or options."""
- if not argument: return self.options.__dict__[option]
- elif not self.config.has_section(argument):
- import sys
- sys.stderr.write("ERROR: no alias defined for " \
- + argument + "\n")
- sys.exit(1)
- elif self.config.has_option(argument, option):
- return self.config.get(argument, option)
- else: return self.options.__dict__[option]
- def get_bool(self, option, argument=None):
- """Get data and coerce to a boolean if necessary."""
- return bool(self.get(option, argument))
+ """An object to contain selection data."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Store the config, options and arguments."""
+ self.config = get_config()
+ self.options, self.arguments = get_options(self.config)
+ if self.arguments:
+ self.arguments = [(x.lower()) for x in self.arguments]
+ else: self.arguments = [ None ]
+ def get(self, option, argument=None):
+ """Retrieve data from the config or options."""
+ if not argument: return self.options.__dict__[option]
+ elif not self.config.has_section(argument):
+ import sys
+ sys.stderr.write("weather: error: no alias defined for " \
+ + argument + "\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif self.config.has_option(argument, option):
+ return self.config.get(argument, option)
+ else: return self.options.__dict__[option]
+ def get_bool(self, option, argument=None):
+ """Get data and coerce to a boolean if necessary."""
+ return bool(self.get(option, argument))
def bool(data):
- """Coerce data to a boolean value."""
- if type(data) is str:
- if eval(data): return True
- else: return False
- else:
- if data: return True
- else: return False
+ """Coerce data to a boolean value."""
+ if type(data) is str:
+ if eval(data): return True
+ else: return False
+ else:
+ if data: return True
+ else: return False
def quote(words):
- """Wrap a string in quotes if it contains spaces."""
- if words.find(" ") != -1: words = "\"" + words + "\""
- return words
+ """Wrap a string in quotes if it contains spaces."""
+ if words.find(" ") != -1: words = "\"" + words + "\""
+ return words
def sorted(data):
- """Return a sorted copy of a list."""
- new_copy = data[:]
- new_copy.sort()
- return new_copy
+ """Return a sorted copy of a list."""
+ new_copy = data[:]
+ new_copy.sort()
+ return new_copy
def get_url(url):
- """Return a string containing the results of a URL GET."""
- import urllib
- return urllib.urlopen(url).read()
-def get_metar(id, verbose=False):
- """Return a summarized METAR for the specified station."""
- metar = get_url(
- "http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/decoded/" \
- + id.upper() + ".TXT")
- if verbose: return metar
- else:
- lines = metar.split("\n")
- headings = [
- "Relative Humidity",
- "Precipitation last hour",
- "Sky conditions",
- "Temperature",
- "Weather",
- "Wind"
- ]
- output = []
- output.append("Current conditions at " \
- + lines[0].split(", ")[1] + " (" \
- + id.upper() +")")
- output.append("Last updated " + lines[1])
- for line in lines:
- for heading in headings:
- if line.startswith(heading + ":"):
- if line.endswith(":0"):
- line = line[:-2]
- output.append(" " + line)
- return "\n".join(output)
-def get_forecast(city, st, verbose=False):
- """Return the forecast for a specified city/st combination."""
- forecast = get_url("http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/forecasts/city/" \
- + st.lower() + "/" + city.lower().replace(" ", "_") \
- + ".txt")
- if verbose: return forecast
- else:
- lines = forecast.split("\n")
- output = []
- output.append(lines[2])
- output.append(lines[3])
- for line in lines:
- if line.startswith("."):
- output.append(line.replace(".", " ", 1))
- return "\n".join(output)
+ """Return a string containing the results of a URL GET."""
+ import urllib2
+ try: return urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
+ except urllib2.URLError:
+ import sys, traceback
+ sys.stderr.write("weather: error: failed to retrieve\n " \
+ + url + "\n " + \
+ traceback.format_exception_only(sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)[0])
+ sys.exit(1)
+def get_metar(id, verbose=False, quiet=False, headers=None, murl=None):
+ """Return a summarized METAR for the specified station."""
+ if not id:
+ import sys
+ sys.stderr.write("weather: error: id required for conditions\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not murl:
+ murl = \
+ "http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/decoded/%ID%.TXT"
+ murl = murl.replace("%ID%", id.upper())
+ murl = murl.replace("%Id%", id.capitalize())
+ murl = murl.replace("%iD%", id)
+ murl = murl.replace("%id%", id.lower())
+ murl = murl.replace(" ", "_")
+ metar = get_url(murl)
+ if verbose: return metar
+ else:
+ lines = metar.split("\n")
+ if not headers:
+ headers = \
+ "relative_humidity," \
+ + "precipitation_last_hour," \
+ + "sky conditions," \
+ + "temperature," \
+ + "weather," \
+ + "wind"
+ headerlist = headers.lower().replace("_"," ").split(",")
+ output = []
+ if not quiet:
+ output.append("Current conditions at " \
+ + lines[0].split(", ")[1] + " (" \
+ + id.upper() +")")
+ output.append("Last updated " + lines[1])
+ for header in headerlist:
+ for line in lines:
+ if line.lower().startswith(header + ":"):
+ if line.endswith(":0"):
+ line = line[:-2]
+ if quiet: output.append(line)
+ else: output.append(" " + line)
+ return "\n".join(output)
+def get_forecast(city, st, verbose=False, quiet=False, flines="0", furl=None):
+ """Return the forecast for a specified city/st combination."""
+ if not city or not st:
+ import sys
+ sys.stderr.write("weather: error: city and st required for forecast\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not furl:
+ furl = "http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/forecasts/city/%st%/%city%.txt"
+ furl = furl.replace("%CITY%", city.upper())
+ furl = furl.replace("%City%", city.capitalize())
+ furl = furl.replace("%citY%", city)
+ furl = furl.replace("%city%", city.lower())
+ furl = furl.replace("%ST%", st.upper())
+ furl = furl.replace("%St%", st.capitalize())
+ furl = furl.replace("%sT%", st)
+ furl = furl.replace("%st%", st.lower())
+ furl = furl.replace(" ", "_")
+ forecast = get_url(furl)
+ if verbose: return forecast
+ else:
+ lines = forecast.split("\n")
+ output = []
+ if not quiet: output += lines[2:4]
+ flines = int(flines)
+ if not flines: flines = len(lines) - 5
+ for line in lines[5:flines+5]:
+ if line.startswith("."):
+ if quiet: output.append(line.replace(".", "", 1))
+ else: output.append(line.replace(".", " ", 1))
+ return "\n".join(output)
def get_options(config):
- """Parse the options passed on the command line."""
- import optparse
- usage = "usage: %prog [ options ] [ alias [ alias [...] ] ]"
- verstring = "%prog " + version
- option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=verstring)
- if config.has_option("default", "city"):
- default_city = config.get("default", "city")
- else: default_city = "Raleigh Durham"
- option_parser.add_option("-c", "--city",
- dest="city",
- default=default_city,
- help="the city name (ex: \"Raleigh Durham\")")
- if config.has_option("default", "forecast"):
- default_forecast = bool(config.get("default", "forecast"))
- else: default_forecast = False
- option_parser.add_option("-f", "--forecast",
- dest="forecast",
- action="store_true",
- default=default_forecast,
- help="include a local forecast")
- if config.has_option("default", "id"):
- default_id = config.get("default", "id")
- else: default_id = "KRDU"
- option_parser.add_option("-i", "--id",
- dest="id",
- default=default_id,
- help="the METAR station ID (ex: KRDU)")
- option_parser.add_option("-l", "--list",
- dest="list",
- action="store_true",
- default=False,
- help="print a list of configured aliases")
- if config.has_option("default", "conditions"):
- default_conditions = bool(config.get("default", "conditions"))
- else: default_conditions = True
- option_parser.add_option("-n", "--no-conditions",
- dest="conditions",
- action="store_false",
- default=default_conditions,
- help="disable output of current conditions (forces -f)")
- option_parser.add_option("-o", "--omit-forecast",
- dest="forecast",
- action="store_false",
- default=default_forecast,
- help="omit the local forecast (cancels -f)")
- if config.has_option("default", "st"):
- default_st = config.get("default", "st")
- else: default_st = "NC"
- option_parser.add_option("-s", "--st",
- dest="st",
- default=default_st,
- help="the state abbreviation (ex: NC)")
- if config.has_option("default", "verbose"):
- default_verbose = bool(config.get("default", "verbose"))
- else: default_verbose = False
- option_parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
- dest="verbose",
- action="store_true",
- default=default_verbose,
- help="show full decoded feeds")
- options, arguments = option_parser.parse_args()
- return options, arguments
+ """Parse the options passed on the command line."""
+ # for optparse's builtin -h/--help option
+ usage = "usage: %prog [ options ] [ alias [ alias [...] ] ]"
+ # for optparse's builtin --version option
+ verstring = "%prog " + version
+ # create the parser
+ import optparse
+ option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage, version=verstring)
+ # the -c/--city option
+ if config.has_option("default", "city"):
+ default_city = config.get("default", "city")
+ else: default_city = ""
+ option_parser.add_option("-c", "--city",
+ dest="city",
+ default=default_city,
+ help="the city name (ex: \"Raleigh Durham\")")
+ # the --flines option
+ if config.has_option("default", "flines"):
+ default_flines = config.get("default", "flines")
+ else: default_flines = "0"
+ option_parser.add_option("--flines",
+ dest="flines",
+ default=default_flines,
+ help="maximum number of forecast lines to show")
+ # the -f/--forecast option
+ if config.has_option("default", "forecast"):
+ default_forecast = bool(config.get("default", "forecast"))
+ else: default_forecast = False
+ option_parser.add_option("-f", "--forecast",
+ dest="forecast",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=default_forecast,
+ help="include a local forecast")
+ # the --furl option
+ if config.has_option("default", "furl"):
+ default_furl = config.get("default", "furl")
+ else:
+ default_furl = \
+ "http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/forecasts/city/%st%/%city%.txt"
+ option_parser.add_option("--furl",
+ dest="furl",
+ default=default_furl,
+ help="forecast URL (including %city% and %st%)")
+ # the --headers option
+ if config.has_option("default", "headers"):
+ default_headers = config.get("default", "headers")
+ else:
+ default_headers = \
+ "temperature," \
+ + "relative_humidity," \
+ + "wind," \
+ + "weather," \
+ + "sky_conditions," \
+ + "precipitation_last_hour"
+ option_parser.add_option("--headers",
+ dest="headers",
+ default=default_headers,
+ help="the conditions headers to display")
+ # the -i/--id option
+ if config.has_option("default", "id"):
+ default_id = config.get("default", "id")
+ else: default_id = ""
+ option_parser.add_option("-i", "--id",
+ dest="id",
+ default=default_id,
+ help="the METAR station ID (ex: KRDU)")
+ # the -l/--list option
+ option_parser.add_option("-l", "--list",
+ dest="list",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=False,
+ help="print a list of configured aliases")
+ # the --murl option
+ if config.has_option("default", "murl"):
+ default_murl = config.get("default", "murl")
+ else:
+ default_murl = \
+ "http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/decoded/%ID%.TXT"
+ option_parser.add_option("--murl",
+ dest="murl",
+ default=default_murl,
+ help="METAR URL (including %id%)")
+ # the -n/--no-conditions option
+ if config.has_option("default", "conditions"):
+ default_conditions = bool(config.get("default", "conditions"))
+ else: default_conditions = True
+ option_parser.add_option("-n", "--no-conditions",
+ dest="conditions",
+ action="store_false",
+ default=default_conditions,
+ help="disable output of current conditions (forces -f)")
+ # the -o/--omit-forecast option
+ option_parser.add_option("-o", "--omit-forecast",
+ dest="forecast",
+ action="store_false",
+ default=default_forecast,
+ help="omit the local forecast (cancels -f)")
+ # the -q/--quiet option
+ if config.has_option("default", "quiet"):
+ default_quiet = bool(config.get("default", "quiet"))
+ else: default_quiet = False
+ option_parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
+ dest="quiet",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=default_quiet,
+ help="skip preambles and don't indent")
+ # the -s/--st option
+ if config.has_option("default", "st"):
+ default_st = config.get("default", "st")
+ else: default_st = ""
+ option_parser.add_option("-s", "--st",
+ dest="st",
+ default=default_st,
+ help="the state abbreviation (ex: NC)")
+ # the -v/--verbose option
+ if config.has_option("default", "verbose"):
+ default_verbose = bool(config.get("default", "verbose"))
+ else: default_verbose = False
+ option_parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
+ dest="verbose",
+ action="store_true",
+ default=default_verbose,
+ help="show full decoded feeds (cancels -q)")
+ # separate options object from list of arguments and return both
+ options, arguments = option_parser.parse_args()
+ return options, arguments
def get_config():
- """Parse the aliases and configuration."""
- import ConfigParser
- config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- import os.path
- rcfiles = [
- "/etc/weatherrc",
- os.path.expanduser("~/.weatherrc"),
- "weatherrc"
- ]
- import os
- for rcfile in rcfiles:
- if os.access(rcfile, os.R_OK): config.read(rcfile)
- for section in config.sections():
- if section != section.lower():
- if config.has_section(section.lower()):
- config.remove_section(section.lower())
- config.add_section(section.lower())
- for option,value in config.items(section):
- config.set(section.lower(), option, value)
- return config
+ """Parse the aliases and configuration."""
+ import ConfigParser
+ config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ import os.path
+ rcfiles = [
+ "/etc/weatherrc",
+ os.path.expanduser("~/.weatherrc"),
+ "weatherrc"
+ ]
+ import os
+ for rcfile in rcfiles:
+ if os.access(rcfile, os.R_OK): config.read(rcfile)
+ for section in config.sections():
+ if section != section.lower():
+ if config.has_section(section.lower()):
+ config.remove_section(section.lower())
+ config.add_section(section.lower())
+ for option,value in config.items(section):
+ config.set(section.lower(), option, value)
+ return config
def list_aliases(config):
- """Return a formatted list of aliases defined in the config."""
- sections = []
- for section in sorted(config.sections()):
- if section.lower() not in sections and section != "default":
- sections.append(section.lower())
- output = "configured aliases..."
- for section in sorted(sections):
- output += "\n " \
- + section \
- + ": --id=" \
- + quote(config.get(section, "id")) \
- + " --city=" \
- + quote(config.get(section, "city")) \
- + " --st=" \
- + quote(config.get(section, "st"))
- return output
+ """Return a formatted list of aliases defined in the config."""
+ sections = []
+ for section in sorted(config.sections()):
+ if section.lower() not in sections and section != "default":
+ sections.append(section.lower())
+ output = "configured aliases..."
+ for section in sorted(sections):
+ output += "\n " \
+ + section \
+ + ": --id=" \
+ + quote(config.get(section, "id")) \
+ + " --city=" \
+ + quote(config.get(section, "city")) \
+ + " --st=" \
+ + quote(config.get(section, "st"))
+ return output